Avis Cabrio nach Italien

  • (Sorry for writing in English, but believe me; you don't want to read my German)

    Does Avis allow taking one of their better cabriolets (SLK "or similar") to Italy?
    In the "FunCars Anmietbedingungen" all I find is that Porsches are restricted to
    D, A and CH.

    I've asked Avis through email, but they haven't answered so far.

  • I made a reservation with Avis (I can always cancel) to see if that gave me anymore
    information. It didn't. There was a pdf with this incredibly uninformative statement:

    EINREISEVERBOT: Es ist nicht gestattet, mit dem Fahrzeug in diejenigen Länder zu fahren, die von Avis generell oder für bestimmte
    Fahrzeugmarken bzw. -modelle gesperrt sind, z. B. dürfen Porsche-Fahrzeuge nur innerhalb von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
    gefahren werden.

    The confirmation email had link to the FunCars rental conditions:



    Bitte beachten Sie, daß Sie mit einem Porsche-Fahrzeug nur nach Österreich und in die Schweiz einreisen können. Für alle anderen Länder gilt ein Einreiseverbot.

    That doesn't really help me.

  • Hi Rorschak,

    actually there are no open questions, as it is clearly mentioned in the terms and conditions of all major car rental companies that rental cars of all BMW, Mercedes Porsche and AUDI- models are only allowed to drive within the western european countries EXCEPT ITALY.
    Further it is also strictly prohibited to drive to all eastern european countries, e.g.Hungary,Czech Republik,Poland,Romania,etc....


  • Hi Rorschak,

    actually there are no open questions, as it is clearly mentioned in the terms and conditions of all major car rental companies that rental cars of all BMW, Mercedes Porsche and AUDI- models are only allowed to drive within the western european countries EXCEPT ITALY.
    Further it is also strictly prohibited to drive to all eastern european countries, e.g.Hungary,Czech Republik,Poland,Romania,etc....


    Sorry, but that's not quite correct (unless you don't count Sixt as a major rental company) - you can drive any Sixt car to Italy:

    http://www.sixt.de/mietservice/mietinformationen (sorry, only found the German version):
    Fahrten ins Ausland & Einreisebeschränkungen

    Fahrten ins Ausland sind in folgende Länder erlaubt:
    Belgien, Dänemark, Finnland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien.

    In folgende Länder darf eingereist werden, allerdings nicht mit Fahrzeugen der Marken Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, VW, Porsche sowie allen Jeeps/Offroadern:
    Estland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Slowakei, Slowenien, Tschechien, Ungarn.

    Auch mit allen Fahrzeugen der Gruppen IVML, IVMR, SVMR und FVMR (einschließlich Mercedes-Benz Vito, Mercedes-Benz Viano, Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse und Mercedes-Benz Vaneo) sowie Transportern darf in die letztgenannten Länder gefahren werden.

    In a nutshell: You can drive any Sixt car to Italy. Audi/BMW/Mercedes/etc. must not enter Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic or Hungary.

  • terms and conditions from avis from January 2008:

    6. Einreiseverbot[/font]

    [font='&quot']Dem Mieter/Fahrer ist es [/font]nicht[font='&quot'] gestattet, mit dem Fahrzeug in diejenigen Länder zu
    fahren, die von AVIS generell oder für bestimmte Fahrzeugmarken bzw. -modelle [/font]
    gesperrt[font='&quot'] sind. Verbindlich hierfür sind
    die Angaben auf Seite 2 des Mietvertrages. Ausnahmen müssen schriftlich
    vereinbart werden.[/font]

    so you need the second page of a rental agreement... 8)
    if you need to know the conditions before reservation you have call avis hotline i think...

    funny people by avis..


  • so you need the second page of a rental agreement... 8)
    if you need to know the conditions before reservation you have call avis hotline i think...

    funny people by avis..


    It's strange that they can't put this information on the web. They don't attach it to
    the reservation confirmation either.

    Before asking here, I asked Avis through email. Today I got an answer 8| :


    Sorry but no Mercedes and no BMW Verhicles
    are allowed to go to Italy. Eighter our Fun Car fleet
    where the SLK in is.
    Thank you for understanding.

    Kind regards,

    Your Avis Team

    That's almost as bad as my written German...

    It's clear that BMW or MB cars can't be taken to Italy (but an Audi A7 is ok?). What is
    less clear is if this applies to all their cabrios as well. It looks as if even a Peugeot 207CC
    must stay on this side of the Alps. That's very restrictive.